How well should you think about your domain name? Is it really that important?

If you have a quality website and a business, users will visit your site regardless of the domain, right?

Well, not so fast…

You see, your domain name is the key element of your site. It can make you break or break you, so it’s important to choose a domain name that works for your business.

But wait, why is your domain name so important?

It’s your “first impression.” 

Your URL is the first thing your visitors will see. A good domain name can make a positive and lasting impression, while a bad domain name can make visitors run.

It affects SEO.

While exact match domains (EMD) are no longer a necessity, keywords in your domain name can still help with SEO ranking.

It defines your brand. We’ll talk about that in a minute – your domain name is a branding opportunity! The right domain name can increase brand recognition.

Did you can buy web domains using cryptocurrency. There are many companies that allow doing so. If you want to learn the top 10, follow this link. It’s an article with the top 10 domain registrars that accept cryptocurrency.

1. Use the right domain name extensions (.com, .org, .net)

When choosing the domain name extension, you can be sure of one thing: “.com” is still the best.

According to research from Domain Name Stat, 43% of all domains have the “.com” extension.

Why? Well, “.com” is the most familiar and easiest to remember.

While there are many successful sites with “.net” and “.org”, your site will most likely improve if it has a “.com” extension. It’s the safest bet.

Our advice: Go to .com. If it’s done, try .net or .org. If you take that too, it would be better to exchange views on a new domain name. And oh! – Avoid these strange extensions like “.club”, “.space”, “.pizza” and so on.

2. Short is Better Than Long

In general, when it comes to the length of your field, the smaller the better.

According to research from, a blog by Nick Berry, the most common name length is about 12 characters.

(Popularity, in this case, refers to the amount of web traffic the site receives.)

All of this data suggests that you should keep your domain name comprehensive.

Aim for 6-14 characters – and remember the smaller, the better. Probably the smaller domain names have been taken a long time and sold for thousands of dollars. If you can’t find anything short, do it branded.

Our website – is exactly 10 characters long.

3. Make sure it’s easy to type

Think of some of the most popular websites in the world. What comes to mind?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo, CNN…One great thing all have in common is that it’s easy to spell it.

Your visitors should be able to type in your domain name without a problem. If you have to explain the spelling more than once to be understood, it’s very complicated!

The last thing you want is for potential visitors to incorrectly type your domain and end up on a different website!

Here’s an easy way to try it out…

Tell 10 people your potential domain name and ask them to write it down. If more than a few people find it difficult to write it, you need to simplify it.

4. Make sure it’s easy to pronounce

As easily as your domain name unfolds the tips of your fingers, it should unfold from the tip of your tongue.

This makes it easy for visitors to share your domain name by word of mouth and makes it easier to share your site with friends and potential customers.

You can try it the same way as with “spelling”.

Write your domain name on a piece of paper and ask 10 people to pronounce it. If more than a few people find it difficult to pronounce it, you should simplify it.

Here’s what to remember: You want your domain name to be easily transmitted by you and others. The only way to make it possible is if it is 1) easy to spell and 2) easy to pronounce.

5. Avoid dashes and numbers

Do you remember how your domain name should be easy to spell and pro pronounced? Dashes and numbers make it more difficult.

Imagine explaining Facebook if it had a dash there…

“Have you seen this new Face-Book website? There’s a dash there by the way, between “Face” and “Book.” ”

Facebook might not have spread so quickly if that were the case.

The bottom line; Your domain name should be smooth and unstable – unitarians and numbers hinder this. Stick to the letters!