Are you an aspiring driver who is looking to level up your driving skills? Or are you a seasoned veteran on the roads, eager to brush up on some of the foundational rules that pertain to staying safe behind the wheel? No matter what stage of your car-owning journey you may be in, it’s important — and advantageous — for all drivers out there to familiarize themselves with good driving habits.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t adhere to common regulations while they’re out there; from shortchanging stop signs, making illegal U-turns, or tailgating unsuspecting drivers ahead. In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into poor driving habits so that you can make sure not only stay safe on the roads – but be well informed too!

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is a serious issue that puts you, your passengers, and others on the road at risk. Engaging in activities that take your focus away from driving, such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or messing with electronic devices, can have disastrous consequences. Despite the dangers, many drivers still engage in these habits. Texting while driving is particularly dangerous, as it takes your eyes off the road for an average of five seconds at a time. That’s enough time to cover the length of a football field if you’re driving at 55 miles per hour. Remember, nothing is more important than your safety and the safety of those around you. Avoid distracted driving at all costs.


Tailgating is a serious problem on our roads today. This dangerous driving habit involves following too closely behind the vehicle in front of you, leaving insufficient stopping distance. By doing so, you are not able to react quickly enough to potential hazards on the road, such as sudden stops or obstacles in your way. This can lead to serious accidents and injuries. It is important to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you, anticipating any potential hazards on the road. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Don’t tailgate- it’s just not worth it.


Speeding is a poor driving habit that many drivers engage in despite the clear dangers it poses. Exceeding the posted speed limit or driving too fast for road conditions can greatly reduce a driver’s ability to respond to unexpected situations. Driving too fast increases the risk of accidents and makes it more difficult to avoid collisions or obstacles on the road. While it may be tempting to speed to save time or to feel a sense of thrill while driving, it puts both the driver and others on the road at risk. Staying within the speed limit and adjusting driving speed to accommodate changes in road conditions can help improve safety on the roads.

Aggressive driving

Aggressive driving is a poor driving habit that can have serious consequences on the road. When a driver displays erratic behaviors such as excessive speeding, frequent lane changes without signaling, or aggressive maneuvers that endanger others, it not only puts their own safety at risk but also endangers other drivers on the road. Aggressive driving can cause accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. Therefore, it is imperative that drivers become aware of these reckless behaviors and take steps to avoid them. By adhering to traffic rules, showing courtesy to other drivers, and staying calm and patient behind the wheel, we can all promote safe and responsible driving.

Failure to yield

Poor driving habits can lead to dangerous situations on the road, and one of the most common is the failure to yield to pedestrians, cyclists, or other vehicles when required. Ignoring right-of-way rules can result in collisions, injuries, and even fatalities. Whether you’re a driver, cyclist, or pedestrian, making sure you understand and follow right-of-way rules is essential for staying safe on the road. Remember, yielding isn’t just a courtesy – it’s the law. Taking the time to look for other road users and give them the right-of-way can help prevent accidents and save lives. So the next time you’re behind the wheel, on your bike, or walking on the sidewalk, remember always to yield when required.

Improper lane changes

Changing lanes on the road is a normal part of driving, but when it’s done improperly, it can lead to disastrous consequences. Failing to check your blind spots and signal properly before making a lane change is one of the most common poor driving habits on the road. This can cause collisions or force other drivers to react quickly to avoid a potentially fatal accident. It’s important to always be aware of your surroundings on the road and follow proper protocol when it comes to changing lanes to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence is a serious offense that can have severe consequences. Alcohol, drugs, and medication can all impair a driver’s ability to make sound judgments, coordinate movements, and react quickly. This puts not only the impaired driver at risk, but also other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. It’s important to take impaired driving seriously and make responsible choices. If you find yourself facing DUI charges in Salt Lake City, be sure to seek the help of a qualified DUI defense law professional who can help defend your rights and guide you through the legal process.