Best Cuban Cigars
Best Cuban Cigars

Cigar smoking can be an extremely good experience for anyone. It is slightly different from the so-called cigarettes and surprisingly it tastes different. Although it is an amazing tasting experience, many people fail to get the most out of it because they do not know how to choose a Cuban cigar.

Do you know how to buy Cuban cigars? If you don’t know, we can help you. With all of you in mind, we will now highlight some tips that you can follow to buy the best Cuban cigars. So let’s get started.


The age of the cigar is extremely important because it changes the energy and aroma. A young cigar tends to be lighter in energy and has an acidic undertone. Less than that, small cigars have a strange aroma, but older ones often have a bad taste.

Also, an old cigar that had an aging period of 3 to 5 years often exhibits a more complex taste pattern for the aging process, and older cigars also have fuller and heavier smokers than others, for those who do not have much experience. 


The size makes a big impact on the cigar. As we are talking about the size of the cigar, we will suggest you to prefer the length and thickness of the cigar. A long and thin cigar-like Partagas Lusitanias can be smoked at about the same time as a short and thick one.

If you want to keep long and pleasurable smoking, go for long cigars that are also large so that you will have time to smoke which is often more than an hour. For quick and delicious smoke, go for a small and thin cigar.


Vitola or, in popular parlance, cigar size often affects energy and burn. Specific cigar sizes are related to a particular brand and therefore to specific features. If you like to choose the best Vitola for you, the first thing you need to consider is the brand. The right brand for your taste and specific types of Vitola characteristics. The beauty of a particular Vitola can be an important factor but the taste must be the main one.


You will be surprised to know that there are lots of Cigar brands are available. But you can’t hope that all the brands are effective. In terms of the production process, ingredients quality, and cigar style, there are various brands you can find. Also you can find some premium cigars that guarantee a pleasurable experience and others are more budget-friendly and still very tasty. But in addition to these, many brands have a distinctive feature that makes them unique.

Whether we’re talking about design, aroma, perfection, and the like, you should do your research and see which brand suits your tastes the most. After that, all you have to do is try them and it will be your ultimate choice.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the best Cuban cigars is not a hard task. You just need to follow some easy tips for it. In this article, we try to highlight some of the tips to find the best Cuban cigar. Hopefully, our small effort will be helpful for all of you. Thank you al.