IV Therapy

IV therapy is the support system you get additionally through your veins when you can’t drink, eat, or receive any food normally. It’s required when your digestive system doesn’t work well during any operation, pregnancy, stroke, heart attack, or other complications in the body.

This article will discuss the reasons why you should consider having IV therapy.

Get Immune Support:

One of the most significant causes of getting IV therapy is to boost your immune system. It works as a support system to the immune system that you can’t grow naturally in your body.

During an operation, pregnancy period, and other medical conditions, you may loosen up the immune system in your body. In that case, you have to rely on additional supports like IVs to ensure healthy living. You can contact austin iv therapy to know more about IV in your required time.

Get Beauty-Boosting:

If you want to get an effective beauty-boosting method, IV therapy could work tremendously. It helps rejuvenate new skin cells to avoid premature aging and other skin complications. The IV therapy injects the required vitamins and medications to your skin that impacts your beauty-boosting naturally.


If your body needs detoxifying, you can get IV therapy to see visible changes. It brings out impurities by injecting the nutrients and vitamins your body requires the most. Needless to say, you need to stay healthy and hydrated to avoid detoxification, which can cause different issues to your body.

Severe Operations:

If you are about to go through severe operations, you will need IVs to get back to your normal stage again. During an operation, your body needs more vitamins, minerals, and medication. You can’t eat or drink during that period normally. Therefore, it’s necessary to get the IV to ensure a convenient process.

Cancer Treatment:

If you are a cancer patient, you will need it. It helps to inject the required medication, therapy, etc., on time. Usually, cancer treatment is a complicated method, which requires regular observation and monitoring.

IV therapy ensures your body absorbs the vitamins and medications and regenerates the system properly.

Overall, IV therapy is a beneficial method to boost your immune system and entire body function. You should know which doctor to consult and get the best suggestion for having the therapy on time.

IV Therapy Tips for Starters

Preliminary IV therapy tips and tricks on how to start an IV:

1. Stay calm and be prepared. Hitting the bullseye on one try will depend on the nurse’s preparation and skill. You and your patient should be composed as a nervous and rushed procedure will likely result in failure. Allay anxiety by explaining the procedure to the patient and determine the patient’s history with IV therapy. Ensure the patient is comfortable and sufficiently warm to prevent vasoconstriction.

2. Exude confidence. Believe in yourself and reassure the patient you know what you’re doing. The patient will be encouraged by your confidence and you too, of course.

3. Assess for needle phobia. Needle phobia is a response as a result of previous IV insertions. Symptoms include tachycardia and hypertension before insertion. On insertion bradycardia and a drop in blood pressure occurs with signs and symptoms of pallor, diaphoresis, and syncope. Reassure the patient with a soothing tone, educating the patient, keeping needles out of sight until the last minute before use, and use of topical anesthetics can help manage needle phobia.

4. Observe Infection control measures. 

Use gloves in inserting a cannula into the patient. Intravenous insertion is an invasive procedure and requires aseptic technique and proper infection control measures. Wipe a cotton swab or alcohol pad on the insertion site to minimize microorganisms in the area and also to visualize the chosen vein more clearly.

5. Assess the vein. Before inserting a needle into a patient’s vein, you have to assess its condition first. A well-hydrated person has firm, supple, and easy-to-reach veins. Well-hydrated veins are bouncy, making them the right fit for insertion. Some patients need intravenous therapy but are dehydrated, so it is a challenge to hit the vein in one go. To avoid injuring the vein, always assess first that you are aiming for a vein that is not frail enough to blow up during the insertion. Take your time. The following tips can help you with that.

6. Feel rather than look. If you can’t see a suitable vein, trust your fingers even more than your eyes. It’s also an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with a suitable vein. A tendon may feel like a vein but palpating it through a range of motion may prove that it is not.

7. Ask your patient. The patient may know more which veins are suitable based on his previous IV history.